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02/17/2017 to 03/31/2017


Opening Exhibition


This is my second art exhibition at the Pablo Atchugarry Foundation. The first one took place in 2012. The exhibition was entitled Time because it referred to periods of my work done through different times. It was a large collection, not a retrospective exhibition, but there were works of art done over many years.
That is why on being back at this great space for art, I considered it interesting to show my recent work. So, I brought what I painted in the last two years.
It may seem surprising that the topics are so different, and hence the execution. I feel like a short stories writer. The idea comes up and I need to give expression to it. And this is when the artwork demands the appropriate treatment. Once I think it is “ready” …I look forward to the new idea…
The ideas in this collection include, Crowd, Anyone Can Be My Friend, Man is Sought, Portraits and Weed.

Linda Kohen  -  January 2017



Southern Light 

I was never one to get on someone else’s boat to justify my own mode of expression. During these thirty years of artistic wandering I went through several isms. With respect I observed them, studied them and dismissed them. I looked for a mode of expression faithful to my education and culture. Since very young I preferred to build my own  boat to sail away from the official routes in my quest for my own truth, a language of my own. To this end I prepared my logs, wet with the saline waters of the Atlantic ocean, they seasoned in the huge green oceans of our fields, were dried by the Pampero winds and crackled under the summer sun. Starry nights of our hemisphere loaded them with poetry, full moons bathed them in silver and the Southern Cross showed them the way. With those logs I built my boat, the one that today dares overcoming a wave to slide down into an abyss and climb back gracefully…


 Gustavo Vazquez  -  May 1994

Items of interest


Ballet Nacional del Sodre

Director: Julio Bocca. Saturday 29th December, 9:30 pm.
